Monday, March 5, 2012


We got all the paving haunched this weekend so now it's pretty much done. There's still a lot of sand we need to sweep off, but there's no harm in that staying for a bit longer, as it fills up all the cracks between pavers. Hugh has turned into an expert cement mixer. Here he is with our trusty wheelbarrow

And here he is tucking cement in between the paving and the wall. It took a few hours to get through it all, and we got a fair few blobs of cement onto the pavers, but all in all it was easy enough. The mistake blobs brush off easily when it's dry, so now it's all ready to go with the planting! 

You can just about see our fruit sticks in the background. They are gradually filling up the space along the borders. No fruit this year except for a few teeny weeny peaches, but we should start getting a few bits and pieces next summer.

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