Monday, January 17, 2011

Wonder Gardener

We've been having trouble finding time to tackle the garden, so we finally caved and now have a gardener helping us out. His name is Richard and he is truly amazing. In one day he has cleared more of the garden than me and Hugh did in the last 3 months.Check out the size of this rootball he dug out. It's absolutely massive, and spiky all over.

This area at the back of the garden is now completely cleared out, so we will start to fence it off for the chickens. I should have takena  picture of what it looked like before. It was so overgrown we didn't even realise how much space was back there.

 We made this corn post for the chickens then this morning. It's an idea stolen from Sydney Zoo. They had a great big one of these in the farmyard animal section and it kept the chickens busy. It's a pretty clever idea. Instead of pecking eachother, they can wear themselves out pecking the hanging corn. The dark red hens are Clancy and Matilda, and the buff one is Ted. Ted and the other priests are nearly as big as Clancy and Matilda now. When fully grown though, they will be much bigger.

And here are the babies. Unfortunately Merlin took a trip to the great coop in the sky, but the other are still going strong. Even Gandalf is getting a little bit bigger. They are still in the cage as they get pecked massively by the others when they mix.

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