Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Wizards!

Meet Gandald the White. She is a 5 week old silkie chick. These birds are awesomely cute. They are not fantastic layers, but are totally adorable enough to make up for it. They are littler than other birds, and stay really fluffy all their lives. They even have a big afro of feathers on their heads when fully grown. Gas!

And this is Merlin. She is a silkie too but is a mix of black, grey and ginger. These two girls are the smallest of our chickens by far.

This is Dumbledore. She is an araucana chick. Also 5 weeks old. Araucana's aren't the best looking birds, but they are good layers, and they lay a turquoise coloured egg - cool! Dumbledore is the tamest of our new chicks and is quite happy for us to pick her up, unlike the other who scatter whenever we get near.

And last but not least, this is Zabulon (the lead vampire wizard of the forces of darkness in the Night Watch series). She hates being picked up the most. She is also losing her feathers at the moment so looks a bit rough. I think it's because she's starting to get her adult feathers.

So these are the wizards, and they join the ranks of our priests, Ted Jack and Dougal. We are keeping them separate at the moment. The chicks have the cage, and the biggers birds have the garden. The newcomers are too small to mix yet, as chickens fights pretty brutally whenever a new chicken is introduced. We are hoping to keep them separate for a few weeks until the chicks get bigger and can handle a bit of pecking from the others.

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