We finally got the whole house clean, so now we are starting to properly renovate. Step 1 is painting everything. We thought that the hall would be a good place to start as then it would be something nice to look at when we first step into the house. Over the past week we cleaned the place, filled all the cracks with polyfilla and masking taped it, so we could do a proper job of it.
Then on Saturday, me and mom painted the ceiling and walls with 2 coats of white paint while the lads were out at the cricket. We both strangely like painting, so are really enjoying it. We have lots of paint brushes and rollers, and a really great stepladder that has a table top for paint cans to make it as easy as possible.
This is it halfway done, how glary does that look? So then yesterday me and Hugh masked the ceiling and painted the walls a colour called zulu plain, which is a light brown. It sounds nasty, but is actually really nice. I'll get a picture as soon as we can.
Also Hugh and George moved all the furniture from the living room to the spare bedroom so now we can properly tackle that room too.
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